The details make the event

Now everyone is writing about trends in different branches of business, and ordinary life. We, of course, are not far behind: we will tell you about the most important trend in the event-industry – about details.
If before the guests did not pay so much attention to details, and looked at the event as a whole, but now everything is changing. Everything is noticed, nothing escapes the attention of the guest. He may not know all the details, but always feels how the event should go: how he should be greeted, how big a smile, what food to offer.
Many well-known marketers, including our favorite Arkady Zucker, say that there are no longer buyers or consumers, there are “pickers. We ourselves are increasingly noticing that customers in the store know more than the salesperson, and patients diagnose better than the doctor. Anything can be “Googled,” everyone knows everything, everyone becomes an expert, even if in most cases this expertise is imaginary.

It has become important for us to understand everything we want to buy. We study information on the Internet, we read reviews and reviews, we focus on other people’s opinions. We let other people’s conclusions pass through us, and they become inseparable from our own opinions.

So why do we think that in events we will be forgiven? After all, the same “experts” come to events. And believe me, they know how to organize events, even on an intergalactic scale. And here we come to those small, constantly escaping the attention and memory of the details. It is they that rule the ball.
Five minutes late in checking in? Unforgivable mistake. They didn’t serve hot coffee? GIRL!
Let’s see by example how much the little things can affect the impression of the event.

  1. A professional conference with great speakers. From this program just drool, so it is high quality and “delicious” is made. The guests are happy, they leave photos, videos and words of gratitude to the organizers on their Instagram. But after a coffee break, we hear angry remarks: and the event suddenly became not so great, and the speakers are weak.
    It’s simple: the guests were served warm coffee. And they like it hot.
    Yes, it’s a trifle, but how it changes everything.
  2. Evening client event. Expensive restaurant, cool host, incredible decorations, modern digital-technology. Organizers surprise and anticipate the expectations of guests. At the same time, the buffet line had a large number of fish and meat appetizers and a very meager selection of fruit and vegetable snacks. There was no menu for vegans. This is what caused the negativity.
  3. The photo area is the Achilles’ heel of many people. There were about 400 guests at the event. It is natural to assume that they will be photographed by 10-15 people at a time, and the photographer will have to step back to fit all in the frame. And there really were a lot of such photos. At the same time the height of the photo area was standard – 2.5 meters. As a result in most of the pictures we saw the top edge of the photo area and another background behind it. The integrity of the photo is broken, and this was seen by the guests. They did not like it, they just intuitively knew that it should be different.

For us there is an axiom: the details make the event. We knew this many years ago and we see confirmation of it now. But if before you and I would have been forgiven for small mistakes, today you will at best blush for them, and at worst – will incur serious losses.

We work with experts, “pickers,” demanding and all-knowing. So please pay attention to details, think through the competent mechanics of the event, try to anticipate a variety of situations.

May your nerve cells increase! May new neural connections be formed!
